MMus candidate in Royal Academy of Music (RAM), London
Licentiate of the Royal Academy of Music (LRAM) candidate
B.A in Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
“ William’s Messiaen is fantastic, he deeply understands it…”
Pascal Gallet
Hong Kong pianist Fu Kat-Ho William is known for his deep understanding, maturity and warm sound in his playing, which brought him to performances in Hong Kong, Japan, Greece, United Kingdom, Vienna extensively. He is currently studying piano with Prof. Carole Presland in Royal Academy of Music as a Master of Music student. During his study in the Academy, he got a high recommendation in the Lilian Davies Prize, a “mature and serious” performance of a Beethoven Sonata, which brought him a further concert opportunity in 2018 at Norden Farm Arts Centre in Maidenhead, United Kingdom. His performance and concert series across the UK then won critical acclaim. He has also represented Musical Odyssey Masterclass in numerous recitals, including in City Lit in London.
William graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), majoring piano performance and composition under the tutelage of Prof. Raymond Young Chap Lai and Dr. Lo Hau-man respectively. He had lessons with teachers including Nikolai Demidenko, Imogen Cooper, James Kirby, Pascal Devoyon, Thomas Rosenkranz, Roland Batik, Nancy Loo and Eleanor Wong.
Competition success includes Janet Duff Prize from Royal Academy of Music, first-runner up in both North London Festival- Piano Appelbe Prize, the Antonio Vivaldi International Music Competition Vienna (formly known as Austro-China Piano Competition) and second-runner up in Piano Solo-Gold Medal Award in Hong Kong School Music Festival. He has also participated in the Summer Academy of Mozarteum, studying under Prof. Robert Levin. In 2017, he performs as soloist with the Chinese University Student Orchestra, playing Saint-säens’second Piano Concerto. He frequently receives scholarships, including Talent Development scholarship, CUHK Cash scholarship, C.F. Hu Scholarship and most recently and Yu-Luan Shih Creativity Award. Supported by the Nichola Boas Charitable Trust and the scholarship given by the Musical Odyssey Masterclass, William studies intensively with the prestigious pianist Nikolai Demidenko in Greece, and he is granted the Aspen Foundation Prize, which enables him a recital in Leighton House upcoming March.
As an active collaborative pianist William works intensively with the Flute | Piano duo the Arc. With the flautist Marco Leung, The arc is currently on progress of performing the whole standard repertoire of piano-flute literature. William's ensembleship has brought him to performances in concert halls like the Hong Kong City Hall High Block and St. Mary Abbots Church.
Apart from being a versatile pianist, William is also a composer- He was a preparatory member of the Hong Kong Composer’s Guild and is currently a member of Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong (CASH). He gets commissions from various artistic groups like Yat Po Singers and Hong Kong Children’s Choir. He is also passionate about keyboard improvising, and he is going to improvise on film in Royal Academy Music’s Piano Festival.

香港鋼琴家傅吉豪以其深刻的理解和成熟的演奏風格而聞名。他曾在香港、奧地利、英國、蘇格蘭、法國、意大利、希臘、日本、馬來西亞和中國等的重要場地演出。他重要演出及活動包括與蘇格蘭小交響樂團(Scottish Sinfonia)演奏拉赫曼尼諾夫的第二號鋼琴協奏曲;卓特咸交響樂團(cheltenham symphony orchestra)演奏舒曼的鋼琴協奏曲;在瑪希敦大學進行大師班和獨奏音樂會; 在維也納的「小金廳」(Erhbar Saal)舉行獨奏音樂會;在愛丁堡的聖吉爾斯大教堂的獨奏音樂會;法國五月藝術節上獻藝,舉行了數場室內樂音樂會和鋼琴獨奏會;作為Musical Odyssey 大師班的獲獎者,於倫敦的萊頓屋博物館和City Lit舉行的音樂會;作為倫敦皇家音樂學院Lilian Davies獎的獲獎者,在梅登黑德的音樂會,等等。
傅氏在許多比賽中獲得了成功。他是第五屆Piano Island Festival國際鋼琴比賽的獲獎者,同時獲得了倫敦皇家音樂學院的Janet Duff獎、北倫敦音樂節和維也納安東尼奧·維瓦爾第國際音樂比賽等獎項。他曾與蘇格蘭小交響樂團、崇基交響樂團、香港藝術家畫廊管弦樂團和中大學生管弦樂團合作,擔任鋼琴獨奏。
作為一位積極的合作鋼琴家,傅氏擅長演奏長笛和聲樂的曲目。他在這兩個類型的音樂中積累廣泛的曲目。此外,他還經常與他的蠹魚鋼琴三重奏合作演出,演奏從貝多芬到法齊爾·賽(Fazil Say)和保羅·舒恩菲爾德(Paul Schoenfield)等作曲家的作品。他於廣東外語外貿大學擔任藝術指導期間,為本科和碩士生擔任藝術指導。傅氏獲諸多獎學金、以彰顯他在音樂其他領域的成就,如香港特別行政區政府獎學基金- 才藝發展獎學金、香港作曲家及作詞家協會獎學金、玉鑾室創作獎及學術創作獎。
此外,傅氏也致力於作曲和其他音樂領域。他曾頻繁地獲各種作曲委約,包括一舖清唱、香港兒童合唱團、香港音樂事務處以及香港理工大學合唱團等多個藝術團體,作品在香港及內地演出。他還熱衷於鍵盤即興,曾在英國皇家音樂學院鋼琴節上即興創作,演出廣受好評及備受矚目。傅氏還積極參與各種工作坊的鋼琴演奏,替代管弦部份,包括香港大學專業進修學院的合唱指揮課程和 Pro Arte 的指揮工作坊。
傅氏曾在香港演藝學院作為訪問學生,師承郭嘉特教授。他在英國倫敦皇家音樂學院完成了音樂碩士課程,獲得DipRAM(最終演奏卓越獎)和LRAM(鋼琴教育學)文憑,鋼琴師承Carole Presland;他在香港中文大學音樂系獲得學士學位,師從楊習禮教授。他還參加過Cristina Ortiz、Natalia Trull、Kurt Seibert、Imogen Cooper、Nikolai Demidenko、Dmitri Alexeev、Robert Levi)、James Kirby、Pascal Devoyon、Stephan Müller、Rustem Hayroudinoff、Colin Stone、Danny Driver、Thomas Rosenkranz、Roland Batik、Ralf Heiber、Adam Zukiewicz、羅乃新及黃懿倫等的大師班。
作為一位備受追捧的教育家,傅氏的學生取得眾多成功,包括於鋼琴島音樂節的國際鋼琴比賽中獲獎以及獲香港學校音樂節最高級別的金牌獎。許多學生隨後於不同音樂學院和大學進修,包括倫敦音樂及戲劇學院(Guildhall School of Music and Drama)、香港中文大學(音樂藝術學士和碩士)和香港浸會大學(音樂學士)等。傅氏亦曾參與多個比賽的評審工作,並受邀舉辦大師班,例如香港鋼琴大獎賽,樂‧新加坡國際音樂比賽,星海盃澳門賽區等等。